Monday, March 17, 2008


From DHIMMI WATCH, news that the NYTIMES MAGAZINE published a long paean to sharia. One which never once even mentions the word dhimmi. But it does have the temerity to call shariah one of the most liberal codes of law - one with an undeservedly bad reputation.

Also in the magazine this week: a paean to transgender politics.

What do both of these pieces have in common: they're Gramscian attacks on traditional Judeo-Christian culture and Western Civilization. Traditional families and religion are the foundational structures of Western Civilization. They get in the way of the socialist revolution.

The MSM and the Academy attack these structures constantly, brainwashing people into feeling that the West was always bad, and families and religion the sources of alienation and oppression.

The Left - according to the Gramscian agenda they've been employing for decades - attacks these traditional structures of culture in order to demolish them and replace them with the socialist state.

These two articles - selected by the gay left-wing editor of the NYTIMES MAGAZINE, in keeping with the basic editorial outlook of the NYTIMES - push that agenda. First by propagandizing about sharia, telling their readers that they have nothing to fear, that sharia is not as bad as the JOOOOOZE and NEOCONS say. Second by trying to get their readers to accept transgenderists as normal and in need of mainstreaming.

What makes it INSANE is that, in one article, the sharia they soft-peddle and want you to appease would punish by death the homosexuality and "transgenderness" of the second article.

It's beyond hypocritical; it's schizoid.

It's the Left. The folks who control the Democrat Party.

Vote accordingly.

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