Sunday, March 16, 2008


I saw parts of MTP today.

On the one hand, former Senator Bill Bradley - an Obama supporter claimed that the super-delegates should defer to the popular vote and support Obama. On the other hand, Bradley said that the Michigan and Florida delegates should not be seated because rules are rules. BRADLEY:
...Well, I think the rules are the rules. I mean, Michigan and Florida both knew that they wouldn't be seated if they moved their primaries up.

... I think a lot of super-delegates will honor what their constituencies said. Some went out and endorsed Senator Clinton early. They thought she was the presumptive nominee. And their district went for Obama. I think a lot of those individuals stand a very strong chance of switching to Obama. And every, every super-delegate makes the decision about what's good for the country, what's good for the party, and what's good for themselves. And if you go against a district that is overwhelmingly Obama, you might ask for a primary the next time. It's politics.

But I think, in the end, that they should follow the pledged delegates.
THIS STUNNING HYPOCRISY WAS MATCHED BY CONGRESSWOMAN NITA LOWEY, who argued the exact opposite: the rules about super-delegates should be followed: they should vote their consciences for the Party's good. BUT - despite the rules - the Florida and Michigan delegates should be seated because otherwise the will of the people would be ignored (and they might not vote come the election). LOWEY:
... according to the system, the super-delegates have to look at the whole picture. They have to use their judgment. They're elected people, they are people who are leaders in the party, and they have to look at the qualifications of both.[SHE WAS ARGUING THAT QUALIFICATIONS, AND NOT POPULAR SUPPORT ARE KEY.]

...I just think, for me, it's very clear. The voters--never mind the party, the voters in Florida and Michigan shouldn't be disenfranchised.
And frankly, McCain is very strong in Florida. And not to make the voters, millions of people participate in the process, by counting their vote--and I do think that we're all adults here, and the people in Michigan and the--well, Michigan seems to be closer to having a revote, and I think Florida may go that way after Michigan makes the definite decision. But it's the voters that count, and I do believe the voters should be given the opportunity to express their preference.
The stunningly hypocritical Democrats are imploding, and it will only get worse between now and the election:

If Obama wins it, then the older white male Clinton voters will vote McCain, (or stay home).
If Hillary wins it, then blacks will stay home.


Which is at least, better than the alternatives.

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