Monday, March 10, 2008

Kurt Westergaard Still The Only European With Backbone

Danish caricaturist Kurt Westergaard, who recently published another Islam critic Mohammad cartoon (with two bomb-in-turban Mohammads), is the only well-known European who openly supports Geert Wilders and the broadcasting of the movie "Fitna".

Not a single politician has had the courage to do the same.

But then again, Mr. Westergaard is the one who needs police protection 24 hours a day because the islamotards want to chop his head off.

The European politicians couldn't care less.

Kurt Westergaard: "Never limit the freedom of speech":
Ã…RHUS - Dutch politician Geert Wilders should definitely air his anti-Quranfilm, Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard says Monday in an exclusive interview in the Dutch newspaper ‘de Volkskrant’.

Westergaard says he does not understand Dutch politicians who say that Wilders should not air his film. ‘There is not a single politician in Denmark that would state a similar thing. That would mean political suicide for him. Every Danish politician knows you should never limit the freedom of speech.’

Westergaard does not regret his caricatures of the prophet Muhammad ‘at all’. ‘It started out as and still is a matter of freedom of speech.’ Westergaard considers starting this debate as a ‘duty’ of newspapers and cartoonists. ‘Muslims are to accept that.’
Which many of the misunderstanders haven't. To them, Mr. Westergaard is the extremist:
The Danish cartoonist loathes the role of members of the Muslim elite, because they compare him to ‘an extremist like Osama bin Laden’. Westergaard: ‘After the nazis, fascists and communists there is a new totalitarian force threathening Europe, of course not Muslims as a group, but a number of extremists’.

Westergaard considers his cartoons perfectly acceptable and thinks ‘everything’ should be able to be said in democracies as Denmark and the Netherlands. If Muslims feel offended by that, they should ‘learn’ to cope with that. ‘We live in a tolerant society. This is the way we do this here.’
The other alternative is to start consulting the Muslim elite before publishing anything that might be "offensive".

Is that the goal of the European politicians?

As of today, so it seems.

That's the real disgrace.


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