Thursday, March 13, 2008


The big story is that the man who converted Obama, and married him, is an anti-American racist who preaches hatred of whites and America.

He actually preached from the pulpit that God should Damn America and that we should ding that instead of God Bless America. [See below!]

On Christmas.

Obama subscribes to this view or he would've left the church long ago.


Michele Obama sounds awfully like the pastor.

It all fits on with the fact that Obama won't wear a flag-pin, and won't put his hand over his heart during the playing of our National Anthem.

If Obama wants to prove he is NOT a racist who hates America, then he can condemn the pastor and leave the Church immediately.

If he doesn't condemn the pastor, then Obama can go to God-damned Hell as far as I'm concerned.

Wow. Stunning.

Others blogging on this:
Carol Platt Liebau / TownHall Blog: Does Barack Agree?

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