Friday, March 14, 2008


Secretary Rice pisses me off more and more - it seems like ever since she got to the State Department she's been brainwashed by its Arabists and anti-Semites. Here's another example:
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Friday that not enough has been done by the Israelis or the Palestinians to demonstrate their commitment to peace.

''I have not hidden the fact that I think that there is a lot of room for improvement on both sides concerning both their obligations,'' Rice said.

''Frankly, not nearly enough has happened to demonstrate that the Israelis and Palestinians fully understand or are somehow fully acting'' on what needs to be done, she added.

''Without following 'road map' obligations and without improvements on the ground, it's very hard to sustain this process,'' Rice said.
This is total BULLSHIT. First, she's a hypocrite because she recently said the Roadmap was dead because it was a hindrance to a settlement because it required the PA to stop the terror before Israel has to do anything. RICE - QUOTE:
"The 'road map' for peace, conceived in 2002 by Mr. Bush, had become a hindrance to the peace process, because the first requirement was that the Palestinians stop terrorist attacks. As a result, every time there was a terrorist bombing, the peace process fell apart and went back to square one. Neither side ever began discussing the 'core issues': the freezing of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, the right of Palestinian refugees to return, the outline of Israel's border, and the future of Jerusalem.

"The reason that we haven't really been able to move forward on the peace process for a number of years is that we were stuck in the sequentiality of the road map.

And then there's the underlying false equivalence: in her mind now it seems, Israel's pin-point/targeted retaliations for unprovoked rocket attacks from Gaza are the same as those unprovoked attacks.

This is insane and evil thinking - and it will get us NOWHERE.

The only way forward for the so-called Arab Palestinians and the Israelis is the way belligerent nations have always moved forward: one must be utterly defeated so the victors can dictate terms which will be accepted.

Everything between now and then is merely a delay of the inevitable. And the sooner the Israelis demolish Hamas and Fatah and all the other jihadoterror groups the sooner there will be REAL PEACE.

Between now and then it would be REALLY REALLY helpful of Rice would STFU and let the Israelis do whatever they have to do - TO WIN.

Peace is a by-product of victory.

1 comment:

  1. ...just to get your quote straight...

    Are you, in fact, giving Israel the green light for nuclear deployment, right?
