Thursday, March 27, 2008


Investors Business Daily:

Global Warming: Computer models used by environmentalists predict imminent
and disastrous climate change. But actual temperature measurements by high-tech
equipment show something completely different.

... the first of 3,000 new automated ocean buoys were deployed in 2003.
They amounted to a significant improvement over earlier buoys that took their
measurements mostly at the ocean's surface.

The new buoys, known as Argos, drift along the oceans at a depth of
about 6,000 feet constantly monitoring the temperature, salinity and speed of
ocean currents. Every 10 days or so a bladder inflates, bringing to the surface
readings taken at various depths. Once on the surface, they transmit their
readings to satellites that retransmit them to land-based computers.

The Argos buoys have disappointed the global warm-mongers in that they
have failed to detect any signs of imminent climate change. As Dr. Josh Willis,
who works for NASA in its Jet Propulsion Laboratory, noted in an interview with
National Public Radio, "there has been a very slight cooling" over the buoys'
five years of observation, but that drop was "not anything really significant."
Certainly not enough to shut down the Gulf Stream.

Climate-change promoters also are perplexed by the observations of
NASA's eight weather satellites. In contrast to some 7,000 land-based stations,
they take more than 300,000 temperature readings daily over the surface of the
Earth. In 30 years of operation, the satellites have recorded a warming trend of
just 0.14C — well within the range of normal variations.

If the Argos buoys and satellites had confirmed the greenie computer models
and Gore hype instead of natural temperature variations, it would have been big
news. The silence speaks volumes.


  1. Having watched the Ice Age hysteria, and the "we're gonna run out of oil" hysteria back in the 80's, this all seems like a big joke to me. But, I know most people don't remember that stuff.

    Unfortunately, I know from experience that when Global Warming is proven to be false beyond even a shadow of doubt, the lefties will just move on to the next thing, and all the idiots will go on believing them. It's a constant fight.

    Truth may win, but another lie will pop up.

  2. everything the left believes in is false:

    iraq is not lost

    bush didn't lie

    more taxes and regulations are not good for the economy

    there is no AGW

    there is global jihad

    healthcare insurance is not a crisis

    open borders and amnesty will not improve things

    multiculturalism is not good for diversity relations or assimilation, it disintegrates society

    anwr is not sacred

    drilling for oil off the coasts will not foul our beaches

    oil companies are not making "excess profits"

    abortion is not benign

    AND SO ON.

    thee is very little on the left that is true or good or just or intellectually honest.


    when we get political diversity in the MSM and the academy, then our jobs will get easier.

    that's why i count david horowitz as one of the most important people on our side.

  3. Yeah, you're right. When I started out, I read FrontPage everyday. Now, I rarely read it. I think I ought to go back to my old habit.

  4. Pastorius, you don't believe that we are in a period of climate change? I didn't expect that from you, babe.

    Interesting to see RELIAPUNDIT lay off the caps lock though. Funny how many conservative bloggers are pro-abortion rights but never blog about it, ain't it RELIA? You should do a poll.
