Saturday, February 16, 2008


The Left would answer Bush. As if having the NSA intercept enemy communications somehow abridged our free speech. As if ANY of the numerous raving lefties calling Bush "BusHitler" and Gitmo a gulag and the Abu Graihb incidents a crime against humanity had been made to shut.

Anti-Bush critics have NOT been throttled; they have CASHED in: The Nation's never been richer, and Michael Moore's movies have done very VERY well. Plame has earned millions. And so on.

But, the jihadists are openly threatening free speech all over the world with violence and the threat of violence.

Now, they're doing it in Denmark. But they've done it many times before - and all over the world.

They are attempting to intimidate the West and limit our right of free speech.

In the face of this overwhelming evidence, the Left continues to attack Bush and offer policies of appeasement to the people who REALLY threaten us, our allies, our way of life: just this week Zbig Brzezinski's (one of Obama's chief foreign policy advisors) went and paid homage to Assad.

The left's position is insane and damaging to the security of the entire free world.

And all the while - while they rant irrationally about Bush as if he threatened our civil liberties, and as if global jihad and creeping sharia didn't - they simultaneously promote policies in other spheres which are also highly damaging to our ability to defend ourselves:
  • their insane hysteria about the phantom menace of AGW and its concomitant policy goals of "carbon caps" and carbon-taxes would essentially mean higher taxes on everything - this would strangle our economy, and the world's economy.
  • their desire to nationalize healthcare would destroy our federal budget and require even higher taxes.
  • their desire to put a cap on profits of oil companies and pharmaceutical companies would strangle our economy.

There is a consistent pattern here. The Left sees menaces where there are none, and recommends policies of higher taxes, redistribution, "make-work" public employment, nationalization, profit caps, etc. - which have failed every time and everywhere they have ever been tried.

To be a leftist today one must be in deep denial about thee true threats and the types of policies which work.

Because there are so many leftists, they interfere with our ability to tackle the real problems in the world:
  • The Left thwarts our counter-measures in WW4;
  • they hamper economic growth by slowing trade and raising taxes;
  • they attempt to appease the enemy at home an abroad - in our courts, in Damascus (for example).
Which is why I have long argued that to defeat the jihadist anboraid we must first defeat the Left at home.

We MUST do this . And - WE CAN DO THIS.

We can do this by attacking the Left on every front: by exposing their AGW hysteria; by proving the Bush tax cuts were fair and stimulative; by continuing to expose bias at the MSM and in the Academy.

And by kicking their asses in the Fall election.

We must do this. WE CAN. Er um... I mean "YES WE CAN!" - heh.


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