Saturday, February 16, 2008

HOW TO GET HILLARY THE NOMINATION: "the devil you know versus the UNTESTED devil you don't know"

I don't support Hillary - or Obama.

Choosing between them is no better than choosing between Stalin and Mao.
But Hillary at least is a known quantity - the devil we know.
And the devil you know is always better than the devil you don't know.

I think the THEME which Hillary must use is this:


Show her during Watergate...
Show her beside Bill running for governor of Arkansas...
Show her beside Bill on 60Minutes denouncing Gennifer Flowers...
Show her at the first Clinton Inaugural...
Show her testifying before Congress about her healthcare plan..
Show her traveling to a variety of places as First Lady...
Show her versus Ken Starr...
Show her during the Lewinsky crisis...
Show her beside Bill through it all... the good time and the tough times...
Show her running for Senate - and running for reelection...



"She was FIRST LADY...

and now a two-term SENATOR...

You've known her for years: Hillary Rodham Clinton...

She didn't just show up on the scene to run for president...

She was a Senate lawyer during Watergate...

Helping to impeach Nixon...

You know where she comes from...

and the obstacles she's overcome...

where she's been...

what she struggled for... her losses, her pains...

How she never allowed her opponents to define her - or to force her to alter her values, or change her policies...

You've seen her victories....

And know she's always been fighting to put people first. Never relenting...

Always there. Solid. Dependable.

A progressive leader you can trust.

Because she has been through it all, and has proven she has what it takes - and then some...

Because the White House is no place to find out you don't have what it takes."
I think a TV commercial like this would get her the nomination - instead of the devil we don't know, Obama, who cannot be trusted because he might not have what it takes.

1 comment:

  1. IMO, Hillary is waiting until closer to the convention to play her "big cards." If so, that's smart because voters have short memories.
