Thursday, February 14, 2008


The Iraq War is to the Democrat doves what WW1 was to the Bolsheviks.

History Guide:
The initial triumph of the Bolshevik Revolution at the end of October, 1917 (see Lecture 6), did not mean that the entire population of Russia had been converted to Bolshevism. Lenin was aware of this. To gather national support, Lenin resorted to slogans for the masses. The most important of them was "Bread, Land, Peace and All Power to the Soviets."
In one of his first acts, Lenin wrote a Decree for Peace:
In his decree Lenin worked to secure an end to the war using the usual (i.e. traditional) diplomatic channels, while simultaneously promoting the expansion of Soviet ideals around the world, thereby encouraging a widening of the socialist revolution.
Isvestiia (published the Decree):
The Workers' and Peasants' Government, created by the revolution of October 24-25, and drawing its strength from the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers', and Peasants' Deputies, proposes to all warring peoples and their governments to begin at once negotiations leading to a just democratic peace. A just and democratic peace for which the great majority of wearied, tormented and war-exhausted toilers and labouring classes of all belligerent countries are thirsting, a peace which the Russian workers and peasants have so loudly and insistently demanded since the overthrow of the Tsar's monarchy, such a peace the government considers to be an immediate peace without annexations (i.e., without the seizure of foreign territory and the forcible annexation of foreign nationalities) and without indemnities.

The Russian Government proposes to all warring peoples that this kind of peace be concluded at once; it also expresses its readiness to take immediately, without the least delay, all decisive steps pending the final confirmation of all the terms of such a peace by the plenipotentiary assemblies of all countries and all nations.
The commies - Lenin and Trotsky and Stalin - were doves in WW1. They wanted to consolidate power and focus the coercive power of the state on a CLASS WAR at home. And foment class war internationally, too.


OBAMA, HILLARY, LENIN, TROTSKY: Leftists all. Doves all.

None to be trusted. EVER.

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