Monday, February 25, 2008


The latest news in a long line of similar news

Islamic Leader: Free Speech OK If Respectful and Responsible

Post below borrowed from Interested Participant:

(Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) In an Arab Times report, the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, weighed in on the "insulting caricatures of prophet Muhammad" printed recently in Danish newspapers.
"He said it was unacceptable that Islam and Muslims were represented as enemies of free speech. Ihsanoglu reiterated that Muslims have no problem with the freedom of speech as a fundamental human right but expect a minimal level of respect and responsibility in the exercise of this right.

Therefore, as long as you watch what you say, Muslims don't have any problem with you speaking freely. Presumably, this means that it's totally unacceptable to state that terrorists are largely fundamental followers of Islam. That would be disrespectful and irresponsible.

However, it would be perfectly acceptable to freely state that Jews are the spawn of pigs and dogs and they drink the blood of dead Palestinian babies. Hopefully, this clarification will dispel any confusion regarding freedom of speech.

Pakistan blocks 'blasphemous' YouTube

We read:

"PAKISTAN has ordered all internet service providers to block the YouTube website for containing "blasphemous" content and material considered offensive to Islam, officials said.

An inter-ministerial committee has decided to block YouTube because it contained "blasphemous content, videos and documents," a government official told AFP. "The site will remain blocked 'til further orders," he said.

Other officials said the site had been blocked because it contained controversial sketches of the Prophet Mohammed which were republished by Danish newspapers earlier this month.


Christians regularly take all sorts of abuse hurled at them by Leftists and others -- and survive with faith undimmed. But Muslims apparently can't take anything negative at all. What does that say about the maturity of the two groups and their confidence in their faith?

Posted by John Ray. For a daily survey of Australian politics, see AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and for a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM

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