Wednesday, February 27, 2008


He deserves it for more than a few reasons:
Omri Sharon, the son of former prime minister Ariel Sharon, began to serve out his seven-month prison sentence Wednesday.

Sharon arrived at the Tel Aviv District Court at 10 a.m. Wednesday morning and was expected to be sent to Ma'asiyahu prison near Ramle later in the day.

Sharon, a former MK, was convicted of concealing illegal contributions from secret donors to his father's 1999 campaign for chairman of the Likud Party.

Sharon was initially sentenced in February 2007 to nine months in jail, nine months suspended sentence and a fine of NIS 300,000. He was found guilty of making false entries in the documents of a corporate body, lying under oath and violating sections of the Political Parties Law.

In late June 2007, The Tel Aviv District Court partially accepted an appeal by Sharon, and reduced his jail sentence by two months.

However, the Supreme Court refused to extend him any additional leniency.
I'm glad they didn't. The man is as disgraceful as the father who raised him, and who also led to what the residents of Sderot are suffering from now. For that, he deserves to rot, though it should be for the whole 9 months without reduction of the sentence. But at least he's now going to get a little experience that he richly deserves.

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