Wednesday, February 20, 2008




  1. Lied, it might just be a slight infraction of the truth not counting lies as these record things are mainly up to those whom operate education centers and schools. But the deal is a legal residence versus one which is semi legal in Hawaii of his parents that met while attending the University of Hawaii in 1960 when they got married and the following year August 4th, 1961 Barack Obama became the son of Mr. Barack Hussein Obama Sr. from Kenya and Mrs. Shirley Ann (Dunham) Obama from Kansas, born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Of course what could a goat herder Mr. Barack Hussein Obama Sr. [a black Muslim from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya] know about specifics cause he was not registered as a US citizen at the University of Hawaii, and this issue betrays American Trusts worldwide in a mighty big way because Obama has been to Muslim Wahabi school in Jakarta [Wahabism is the radical teachings that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world., Indonesia (6 yrs old), attended 2 yrs at a Catholic school, Columbia University in 1983, has attended the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago Illinois, has been a Senator, and now running for President of the USA just how much trust is a legal residential matter in America - 1 yr for a drivers license, 1 yr for a medical service from Medicaid or Medicare, 1 year for Internet phone-in contracts unless stated otherwise, 2 years for a cellular telephone contract, leases at varied yearly rates in various areas requiring renewal when expired, 2 years for a legal state residence in every state, these issues are real. Just what is Obama trying to accomplish, so far nothing. Lied, that is just not something that sets right with state employees.

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  3. If Obama claims to be a Christian then he lies about a religious objection to the Pledge of Allegiance and respect being paid to Americans. Obama keeps showing signs he lies constantly. Another well know event was Osama inside Afghanistan in Tora Bora property actually of the Taliban and Opium producers during warm months. The Taliban did not travel as much as Osama and had fewer opportunities to secure weapons from the Syrian arms dealers whom dealt arms secretly from Iran also dealt arms to the Palestineans. Osama had ample opportunity to obtain arms from Hezbolla sources as they had left Iraq and ventured into Syria and Lebanon working for the Syrian government in a secret military tunneling venture for Syria and supporting themselves in a small coup in Lebanon. It was Osama that from Afghanistan he gave the Chinese people a real experience with Al-Quada and killed several families during his unknown reason for entering China, perhaps for some Korean connection he was to make for missiles. So Osama used Afghanistan like an Arad uses law to control its people in cruel and unusual punishments. Osama had horse and mule purchase arrangements to order so whom was he getting his livestock from that is the clue. Him being in Germany during his education must have really been a experience for Germany has lots of horses I guess he would favor.
    Another lie Obama seems satisfied with is his wife's thesis, which she depicts the alumni populi of white and black in the university setting she terms as a community but states she will be soon part of it and this analysis of the whites and the blacks really is excluding her so we know where she is on that issue not being inclusive herself which is a wrongful judgement. Obama in his own way is doing the same thing, CHANGE, is for America not him so lying is not going to stop and bending the corners will continue to plague the lives of all those whom are close to him. The incident of Larry Sinclair as heard in the five part series on YouTube sheds more light on lies Obama wants to hide from the media and the public esp. the National Democratic Party Zionist Members whom respect the Quran for what its worth but truly realize in America the Quran is just a book composition and thats all there is to the Quran in America. It was the National Democratic Party Zionists membership that got Obama endorsed as a candidate for President. Their objective is clear, get a better strong hold inside America to then make their extensions into Africa a fixed event so to avoid argumentation with the Islamists there. Al-Quada does not fit in well with the Hezbolla whom now has their eyes on Egypt, Kenya, and Somalia because of the Chinese Oil agreements. Hezbolla of Lebanon that is whom has now endorsed a war scenario again against Israel and some corporate inside Lebanon has endorsed Hezbolla and they are trying to use and control the Hamas in Palestine to do their bidding for them. Condenessa Rice has expressed the concern to Hamas for a good reason, she knows how Hezbollah plans to use the Hamas for reaching the goal of the Hezbolla a win victory against Israel and she wishes Hamas to stay out of the matter entirely. So Osama is not liked by the Hezbolla as Osama is not as commercial as the Hezbolla and has been forewarned their services are not welcome which we know is arms movement by now.
    Obama has a cousin that is a Al-Quada member and has the audacity to try to get around the issue of the presence of the Hezbolla in Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, esp. in Indonesia. If Obama had been a wise man he would have considered serious adjustment and made it his objective to bring Somalia and other nations out of the legal uneducated ordeal they endorse and strengthened those countries with modernized concepts and education centers for humanitarian advancement but Obama is not a doer he is a bystander with a small ear for efficiency and failed to see how he could guide these nations and not have to be a President of anything at all and even retire much sooner than if he endorsed politics. This is his internal lie he lives with just as he lives with his smoking of cocaine and his major achievements that appear to more of a clep than obtaining real knowledge during law school. Just what affect would Obama have had on the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) in Kenya is something we may never know. The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) endorsed a lot of scandals and was absolutely faced with corruption, capitalism was not something they are willing to accept. National Unity discussion in governement is not something of great value, government is already suppose to possess unified objectives. Unionization is the real key to success of Kibaki Kenya but he's against anything that would make CHANGE. Ethnic violence and attacks from the police and the military endorses the need of Democratic self-defence organisations and independent class organisations for workers. Freedom of Kenyans to oppose government to elect their own government has endorsed rioting. Had Obama had a good law school education to become a lawyer he would not have then supported the illegal campaign funding gift he made to a charity thinking that to be a legal act, as we saw in the Clinton campaign the illegal funding Clinton's received was ordered by the court to be produced and they surely turned those funds over to the court when they were told to do so, but not Obama he seems to figure a way out by immediately giving money to a charity when the culprit has been nailed by the courts, Obama simply laundered the illegal money his educated way. Bad motion and bad politics leads to lies as the National Democratic Party of Zionist in America know lack of a Security Clearance means your candidate is a Lame Duck (laughing stock in every nation) and when they fail to show this to the people plainly they are rejecting the legislation they should be endorsing which would prevent Lame Duck scandles and scams of financial fund use for endorsing a Lame Duck candidate. If a individual has a background which is not acceptable as Obama has in his cousins Al-Quada connections then the offset result should be rejection, why the National Democratic Party Zionist members wanted to endorse him shows they wanted to benefot and Obama owes them everything if he has success. Obama rejects the Senate Committee appointment processing of meetings cause he can't accomplish anything with no Security Clearance it's a simple ordinary Senate Committee, how logical. He could really show anger at this but that draws attention which he don't want as a Black person, Black Candidate. Obama has technically lost Somalia to the Chinese whom can protect and defend themselves if Somalia allows them to, a great loss for Obama, man without a American Concious. His religious church organization is likened to a movement that was told to leave Spain not to long ago. Reverand Wright looks like he could have a twin brother that is a mechanic on automobiles, wheres that Apple Red Chevrolet Chevy II, a true boxing championship failure by Obama.
    In consideration of the attack plan against Israel Hezbolla has targeted Egypt moving into for a staging location and has communication ease dropping success engaging in surveillance following the cutting of the cables Hezbolla managed to make the communication links capable and so then Hezbolla began boasting of their readiness. What hapened next was a food shortage and the UN has predicted that it will afffect the middle class around the world esp. in the USA so the USAF and Royal Canadian Forces have aligned to support every nation during this crisis when it starts martial law will be endorsed and in the US as well Canadians are to deploy. Life just does not get any easier as the President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez has realized and has threatened war with Columbia and the US if Columbia again attacks inside Venezuelean territory following his banning of the sale of milk by producers stating a milk shortage exists and this is the only alternative he has - no rationing of milk was ever endorsed by Chavez, capitalism was not something he accepts seeing it as class exploitation but he makes oppression reality instead. Freedom of Venezueleans to oppose government to elect their own government has endorsed rioting against the dictatorship, not much different in Kenya. Middle Class persons in Kenya and Somalia will be affected many of whom are Americans and the Canadians expect there to be riots over food shortage, complaints about the rising cost of beef are right now affecting many. We really begin to see how lies have endorsed a bad scenario for the world, Obama can't resolve those lies to make any change that those lies produced.
