Saturday, February 23, 2008

Barack Obama in his own words: Socialism 2.0™

Shaun Mullen at The "Moderate" Voice borrowed my graphics (without attribution, mind you) and claimed I equated Obama with Stalin. Actually, it's Obama's own rhetoric that any moderate listener could rightly interpret as the most extreme brand of Socalism ever seen in the United States.

Consider Obama's own words from the 2/21 debate:

Amnesty for illegal aliens: ...We have to require that undocumented workers... are provided a pathway to citizenship...

Fix illegal immigration by allowing unchecked legal immigration!: is important that we fix the legal immigration system, because right now we’ve got a backlog that means years for people to apply legally... they’ve got to pay thousands of dollars in fees. They just can’t afford it. And it’s discriminatory against people who have good character, we should want in this country, but don’t have the money...

Fix illegal immigration by repairing Mexico's economy!: ...we have to improve our relationship with Mexico and work with the Mexican government so that their economy is producing jobs on that side of the border.

Spanish as the official second language for all Americans: [E]very student should be learning a second language, because… I want to make sure that children who are coming out of Spanish-speaking households had the opportunity to learn and are not falling behind.

America is in a shambles and everyone is suffering!: ...our economy is increasingly in shambles. [Families] across America are feeling the brunt of that failing economy... ...families [are] suffering in very real ways... I’m running for president to start doing something about that suffering...

Death to free trade; death to NAFTA! (the very free trade act signed into law by Democrat Bill Clinton and praised by Democrat Hillary Clinton): [I've] talked to workers who have seen their plants shipped overseas as a consequence of bad trade deals like NAFTA, literally seeing equipment unbolted from the floors of factories and shipped to China, resulting in devastating job losses and communities completely falling apart.

Cuba's dictatorship is Bush's fault!: I would meet [Cuba's dictator] without preconditions... And I think it is absolutely true that either of us would step back from some of the Bush unilateralism that’s caused so much damage. But I do think it is important precisely because the Bush administration has done so much damage to American foreign relations that the president take a more active role in diplomacy than might have been true 20 or 30 years ago.

Redistribute wealth via Socialism™!: You don’t need an economist or the Federal Reserve to tell the American people that the economy’s in trouble, because they’ve been experiencing it for years now... [people] have been struggling for decades now [Ed: Bush has been president for decades now].... what I’ve said is that we have to restore a sense of fairness and balance to our economy...

America's too dependent on foreign oil (but don't drill in ANWR!): We send $1 billion to foreign countries every day because of our addiction to foreign oil. And for us to move rapidly to cap greenhouse gases, generate billions of dollars that we can reinvest in solar and wind and biodiesel — that can put people back to work...

On his $400 million in earmarks: Now, keep in mind, a lot of these are worthy projects in our states. I have actively pursued projects that I think are important...

On socialized medicine for everyone (including illegal immigrants!): ...95 percent of [the Edwards, Clinton and Obama] plans are similar. We both want to set up a system in which any person is going to be able to get coverage that is as good as we have as members of Congress. And we are going to subsidize those who can’t afford it...

On the evil drug and insurance companies, whose products and services save millions of lives annually: [Hillary went about] it in the wrong way, because it wasn’t just the fact that the insurance companies, the drug companies were battling here, and no doubt they were... the American people have to be involved and educated about how this change is going to be brought about... [if] we’re going to bring universal health care to this country.

* * *

Summary: We may be wishing for the good old days of Jimmy Carter if Obama gets elected. The result of an Obama administration: higher taxes, more government intervention, more handouts, more illegal aliens, weaker national defense, more "global warming climate change" scams, more political correctness and more feel-good United Nations incompetence.

Also see: Don Surber's Americans never had it so good and the London Times' Obama: is America ready for this dangerous leftwinger?


  1. The problem is that a lot of Americans don't recognize socialism--in part, because it sounds good.




  3. And, other than attacking Pakistan, what exactly is he going to do about Jihadism?

  4. You all need to check this out (if you are a member of facebook). Its my group "You Gotta Know Barack Obama is a Socialist !!!!" on
