Sunday, February 24, 2008


Just who did the palestinian-supporting groups turn to at Hasbro to have their way about the world version of Monopoly? Well, I think I just figured out how this problem came to be: employee based in London decided on her own without consulting senior management to pull "Israel" from Jerusalem after hearing complaints from pro-Palestinian groups and bloggers who argue that the city is not a part of Israel, Hasbro spokesman Wayne Charness said Thursday.
IMO, this is also similar to cases of libel tourism - because a US-based rep might have more sense not to do things that could cause anguish for the wrong reasons, that's why, if there's a rep available in England who can do a job for them, they'll turn to there for results.

The employee's actions are reason for dismissal, and also for taking responsibility out of the hands of foreign reps for the content of their websites.

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