Sunday, January 06, 2008


It's just about over for the Dems; just like last time: the winner of Iowa wins the nomination - (I guess they forgot that it didn't work out so great for them last time!).

SO.... who might Obama pick? Here's my list:
  • Sam Nunn - has great gravitas; is a foreign affairs and defense expert; a southerner; a DC insider. Obama's Dick Cheney. (But at 70... is he too old? Not if McCain is the GOP nominee.)
  • William Cohen - DITTO ABOVE - but also: was SedDef (under Dem Clinton) and therefore has managerial experience within the bureaucracy, and is a nominal Republican with a gorgeous black wife. (BUT an easterner and therefore not geographically perfect.)
  • Bob Kerrey - midwesterner, moderate, DC insider. A HIGHLY decorated Vietnam Vet.
  • Jim Webb - southerner, Vietnam Vet. Now a dove. (But a bit of a loose cannon.)
  • Donna Shalala - Sec HHS for 8 years, now pres of University of Miami. Would help in DC and in FLA and midwest - where she was a popular guv.
  • Sherrod Brown - youngish freshman Senator from Ohio - a midwesterner, and longtime Congressman and DC insider.
  • Max Cleland - former Senator, former Sec VA, southerner, Vietnam Vet. His injuries might help Obama play identity politics.
  • Anthony Zinni - former CinC Central Command, Special Amb to Israel/Palestinian "peace-process", a four star dove, (and a little bit less of a loose cannon than Wesley Clark).
  • Chuck Hagel - fellow Nebraskan like Kerrey, but a "Republican" (in name only) Still, it would give Obama the appearance of being the Big Tent candidate. Decorated Vietnam Vet.
  • Mike Bloomberg - "Independent" with good managerial credentials, but no foreign policy or military creds. Likely only if Obama fears a third party run and wants to head it off at the pass.
  • John Edwards.
  • Bill Bradley - former Senator, moderate with gravitas. (They could have some mean one-on-one games in the WH!)
OBAMA/NUNN would frighten the GOP the most. Then, OBAMA/WEBB.
OBAMA/SHALALA has a nice ring to it! OBAMA/ZINNI sounds zany, too.


  1. I would pay good money to see Jim Webb as the VP candidate. He's one of the few that genuinely cares about the military, because of his son. Have you looked at how awesome S.22 is? He'd take good care of soldiers, at least, and after the last ten years or so, we desperately need that.

  2. biden's son serves.

    hunter's son serves.

    it doesn't determine anything about a candidate.

    webb is a lying two-faced hypocritical blowhard.


  3. ObamaZinni 2008 Ticket Love it!!

  4. Don't Ask me how I feel about Sam Nunn!

    The guy is a moron.

    "Sam Nunn - has great gravitas; is a foreign affairs and defense expert; a southerner; a DC insider. Obama's Dick Cheney. (But at 70... is he too old? Not if McCain is the GOP nominee.)"
