Wednesday, January 09, 2008


If all that this character named Mordechai Mehager can do is to pin the blame solely upon his senoir officials:
( Former border police officer Mordechai Mehager, part of the Yassam riot police unit, insists that police officers who clashed with demonstrators in Amona in early 2006 were told to use violence.

Mehager is facing a lawsuit filed by Yishai Greenbaum, a young activist who says Mehager beat him with a club for two full minutes on his head, arms and legs, leaving him with a permanent handicap. Mehager was identified from video footage in which he is seen beating nonviolent protestors with a police club.

The suit was filed by Yesha Human Rights Organization lawyer Chaim Cohen, who wrote in the petition that, “the accused – officer Mehager – exceeded the authority granted to him by law and police regulations, acting in an independent manner and exercising excessive force without justification. Alternatively, if it turns out that the accused received ‘orders from above,’ then we are dealing with unacceptable orders whose implementation should have been refused.”
But even if it was "orders from above", the problem with characters like that is that they value their wages more than common sense. And if that's how he's going to go about his "business", then he doesn't deserve a job. He deserves to live as a pauper.

Young master Mehager is clearly desperate. I don't feel the least bit sorry for him if he ends up bankrupt for his crime that puts a stain on law enforcement, and makes people lose trust in the authorities as well.

1 comment:

  1. Where have I heard "Befehl ist befehl" before?
