Friday, January 18, 2008


Well this is fortunate. I'd heard about this earlier, and wanted to add a post on it, but hadn't been able to until now. The news is:
( The Jerusalem Magistrates Court ordered the release of the seven minor girls who have been imprisoned for three weeks despite their continued refusal to cooperate with the justice system. The first was released Thursday when it became clear that police knew her identity from a card in her posession and rest were released Friday after a court-order required the parents to identify their daughetrs. A fast day on their behalf took place Thursday.

The first 14-year-old girl that was ordered released after police admitted she had been identified due to a card that was among her possessions. She continued to refuse to identify herself, along with her six friends. The girl was forcibly evicted from Gush Katif during the 2005 Disengagement and lives at the Nitzan caravan camp with hundreds of other expellees.
Here's a video recording of this as well.

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