Friday, January 04, 2008


PM Gordon Brown had a New Year's message for the staff of the National Health System. Its implications are ominous for the people of Great Britain.

You might have thought that the purpose of the NHS was to provide health care for individual British patients.

You would be wrong.

You might have been a little less naive, and thought that the purpose of the NHS was to provide health care for the British people, collectively.

You would be wrong.

Gordon Brown admits that the purpose of the NHS is to take care of itself:
And we will also examine how all these changes can be enshrined in a new constitution of the NHS setting out for the first time the rights and responsibilities associated with an entitlement to NHS care.

I believe these are steps vital to securing the health of the NHS for the next sixty years.
He is proposing far-reaching changes in the way health care is provided, in order to secure the health of the NHS.

And what are those changes -- setting out the rights and responsibilities associated with an entitlement to NHS care? As the Telegraph reports:
Patients could be required to stop smoking, take exercise or lose weight before they can be treated on the National Health Service, Gordon Brown has suggested.
The NHS will be used as another tool to control private behavior. Excuses will be made so that services will not need to be provided at all.

Already this year, it has been reported that malnourished patients are being allowed to starve on NHS wards. The Conservative shadow Health Minister Stephen O'Brien noted:
"It is a scandal that in 21st-century Britain, we allow vulnerable patients to be let out of hospital in a malnourished state, and it is even worse that we allow thousands of patients to get more poorly while they are in hospital."
It doesn't work there. Why would anyone think it would work here?

And by the way:
The NHS is the third largest employer in the world, behind the Chinese Army and Indian Railways.

1 comment:

  1. unbelievable!

    the "ministry of health" will deny healthcare to smokers and drinkers and fatties i guess because their LIFESTYLES might be the cause of their ill-health!?!?






    I doubt it; aids/hiv is a POLITICALLY CORRECT disease, even though it is LARGELY and simply a SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE.

    (All that one must do to avoid it is have SAFE sex - and don't share needles.)

    SO... if he's gonna be fair: "NO NHS MONEY FOR QUEERS AND ADDICTS! WITH AIDS/HIV!"

    The left would never do that because permitting deviancies/transgressions such as drug use and homosexuality is central to their gramscian attack on traditon values and Western Civilization.

    To leftists like Brown, beer drinking heteros with pot-bellies who like to smoke are worse anti-social miscreants than daisy-chaining homo drug-users.

    AND ANOTHER THING, (and i just LOVE this part):

    Brown is essentially saying that the health of the healthcare system is more important than the health of the people!

    the bureaucracy is glorified, not life and liberty.


    how sickeningly Orwellian.


    And you'd figure that a SMART guy like Brown would see that, wouldn't you!?

    But he's blind to it. He's so far down the leftist road to serfdom has no idea how deep into Orwellian territory is is anymore....
