Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Other Foot

By Bob Parks


Under normal circumstances, this election cycle would be gearing up for the coming explosion. We'd be waiting for the inevitable. At some point in the coming weeks, a Republican would be accused of being a racist. With that, it's kind of fun watching the media scratch their collective, oversized, dandruffed heads, contemplating why the current Democrat primary race is being plagued by the very infection normally reserved for their enemies.

Democrats now have the shoe on their other foot. They have spent decades honing their skills, planting race IEDs on the sides of the Republican campaign trail, waiting for some unsuspecting conservative candidate to set off a race controversy. Every speech, every appearance, every word uttered from a Republican's mouth was dissected in search for the intolerance ammunition to be used for Democrat blaxploitation.

It's not news that Democrats have used blacks for their political benefit. Blacks have been told they are victims of racism. Blacks have been intentionally kept angry because of the lack of campaign promised improvements in their lives. Blacks have been conditioned to look at every syllable uttered by a Republican and insert a racist motive where one didn't exist. Blacks have been strategically rendered as ultra-sensitive as a bone bruise on the shin.

While Democrats knew where all the bombs were planted, never in their wildest dreams did they think they would need to disarm them. In what were probably typical retorts between candidates, the Clintons are now experiencing the angst caused when their words have been reinterpreted, motives have been assumed, and the unintentional has now been taken as the ingrained. While the Clintons are probably not racist people, they now have to spend valuable campaign time attempting to convince a portion of our population that they're not. My only question to them is, "How does it feel?"

More here

Posted by John Ray

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