Sunday, January 13, 2008


If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there, does it make a sound?

If it snows in the freakin desert kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the MSM doesn't report it, was it a MIRAGE!?!

NOPE: NEWSBUSTERS: Rare Snows and Cold in Saudi Arabia Ignored by US Media
The selective coverage of international weather events by global warming obsessed media continued this weekend as near-record low temperatures in Saudi Arabia mixed with snow went totally ignored by American press outlets.

... Russia's RIA Novosti reported on Friday rare weather conditions in Saudi Arabia, it certainly wasn't surprising that, according to Google News, not one American press outlet found it newsworthy (emphasis added):
Northern parts of Saudi Arabia are covered with snow with schools, mosques and administrative bodies paralyzed, local media reported Friday.

The oil-rich kingdom is being hit with subzero temperatures and snow storms with freezing winds of up to 50 km/h (30mp/h). Some regions have been experiencing problems with water supplies as pipes have frozen, and livestock has died from the cold.

The Saudi Gazette reported late in December that the winter was expected to last 89 days, with temperatures reaching below zero. National media said the winter is the coldest in the country for 20 years.
Hmmm. Coldest in 20 years. I guess that's why our press are disinterested.
MSM: "All the news that fits out slant."

We know better:
  • AGW = BS.

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