Thursday, January 17, 2008


I did some research on where Huckabee is on some of the issues for my brother who lives in South Carolina and will be voting on Saturday. I thought I'd put it in post form for anyone who is still on the fence.

1. Education:

A) Against school vouchers, in his own words.

B) Endorsed by the National Education Association (aka Teacher's Union) in New Hampshire.

2. Club for Growth (a conservative think tank) gives a rundown on Mike Huckabee's record on economic & school choice issues by citing Huckabee's own record.

3. Mike Huckabee's pardon of Rapist/Murderer Wayne Dumond.
--A video ad on the pardon

4. Cato Institute (conservative/libertarian think tank) rates all the Governors and in 2006 they gave Huckabee an F based on "23 objective measures of fiscal performance".

(Side note: I didn't realize until looking this up that my Governor was the only one to get an A :-). And we have all these one issue voters here in Missouri who don't want to re-elect him this year, sigh....)

5. Wikipedia on Huckabee

6. His foreign policy views in his own words.

--Another article about his foreign policy

7. For Federal Smoking Ban (aka sliding into socialism).
--He has since retracted this position. I think it was a case of realizing how unpopular it is. It doesn't instill a lot of confidence either way.

8. His campaign appears to be aligned with a group that is responsible for some of the extremely negative push polling.

To see other posts and articles on Huckabee, go here!

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