Sunday, January 06, 2008


These two nations are experiencing major political upheavals and disarray because of jihadists.

In Pakistan they were partly responsible for the Musharraf coup and are now destabilizing the government.

In Thailand they are partly responsible for the recent coup - (the ousted PM was a hawk and was ousted by appeasers) and their continued war in the south (in which thousands have been brutally murdered by the jihadist enemy) threatens to become a full scale civil war there.

Neither of these nation's problems with jihadists has anything to do with Zionism or Bush

They have everything to do with the proactive plan of the enemy: to reestablish a global caliphate under sharia.

Pakistan and Thailand are nations which occupy important strategic positions for the Free World and we must help them both defeat the religious fanatics/totalitarians who threaten them.

This is NOT USA hegemony - as the Left and the jihadists BOTH argue; it is standing up for universal human rights.

We all know about the instability in Pakistan because of the recent assassination of Bhutto.

Thailand is in nearly the same straits - and they appear to be getting worse. (More here and here and here.)

If the USA elects a Democrat than these two nations will most certainly NOT get the support they need to defeat the jihadists and the jihadists will stand a much better chance of winning in both countries - and thereby establish sharia totalitarianist states which would become safe havens and bases for expanding their jihadist hegemony.

That's why the future of the Free World depends on YOU AND ME WORKING OUR BUTTS OFF TO DEFEAT THE DEMS IN 2008.

We must do it for children and our children's children.

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