Thursday, January 10, 2008


From the Associated Press:

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) -- Hundreds of headstones at a Jewish cemetery
were toppled, and authorities are investigating the desecration as a bias

A police spokesman initially said anti-Semitism wasn't being considered
as a possible motive after nearly 500 headstones were found toppled Sunday
morning at the Poile Zedek Cemetery. But Sgt. Richard Rowe said Wednesday that
he had misspoke.

The desecration was discovered about a week after 17 headstones were
toppled at the same cemetery. Police and the Middlesex County Prosecutor's
Office were investigating; authorities did not immediately return calls Thursday
seeking further detail.

Rabbi Abraham Mykoff of the Poile Zedek Synagogue told the Home News
Tribune of East Brunswick that a reward of several thousand dollars was being
offered for information.

''This was not vandalism,'' Mykoff said Tuesday. ''This was malicious
intent to destroy a Jewish cemetery.''

First, I would say that if police weren't to consider anti-Semitism as a possible motive, THAT ITSELF WOULD CONSTITUTE AN ANTI-SEMITIC ATTACK.

Second, isn't it interesting that this happened just a couple days before George Bush visited Israel for the first time?

Isn't that interesting?

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand what "Bush's Middle-East campaign to Crush Christianity and eliminate the Jews" would have to do with it. I doubt the Shrub would have the energy required to topple all of those headstones. Of course, when he tells his 9-11 perpetrator "allies" about the desecration...there'll be big hairy smiles all around.
