Tuesday, January 08, 2008


First an incident of brinksmanship on the high seas, where "five Iranian speedboats challenged three US ships in the Strait of Hormuz".

This was quicky followed by rocket attacks - fired from Lebanon into Israel - most probably by one of Iran's proxy groups.

The Iranians are fans of instability.

They, like al Qaeda, know that they can influence the electoral process in democratic societies thru violence. (They have done it in the past - right Jimmy?)

The oy-yeh-tollas in Teheran probably figure GWB's actions are limited by the election process.

These acts, and the continued attacks upon clan leaders in Iraq, demonstrate that they hope to deflect the focus of the GWOT which is now being directed in the border of Afghanistan and the tribal regions of Pakistan.

Well, I hope George is ready to act this spring...

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