Friday, January 04, 2008


The Lebanese opposition group Hezbollah has said openly that it will not allow a president to be elected unless it gets a third of the cabinet seats.

This would give Hezbollah and its allies a veto over key decisions.

The Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, blamed the US for obstructing a solution to Lebanon's political crisis by opposing such a move.

he western-backed Lebanese government has repeatedly rejected the opposition's demand for powers of veto.

The government has proposed reforming the cabinet to give the president a casting vote.

Hezbollah and its allies have been demanding a third of the cabinet seats since the 2006 war with Israel - which Hezbollah regards as a victory - but until now they had not publicly linked the issue to a presidential vote.

Druze leader Walid Jumblatt, who is aligned with the government, said Hezbollah was making impossible demands and was more loyal to Syria and Iran than to Lebanon.
  • Lebanon won't have slef-determination and self-government until Hizballah is neutralized.
  • Hizballah won't be neutralized until Syria is essentially isolated.
  • Syria won't be isolated until Iran is neutered.

If the Bush and Condi are too timid to remedy this situation then it's time to find someone who will.

Left alone, Hizballah, Syria and Iran will only get stronger.

And the costs of defeating will only go up.

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