Thursday, January 17, 2008

Firestorm in Austria as Politician Calls Mohammed a Child Molester

We read:

"Susanne Winter, a right-wing politician with the FPO party running for a city council seat in the city of Graz, blasted Muslims on Sunday, saying that "in today's system" the Prophet Muhammad would be considered a "child molester," apparently referring to his marriage to a six-year-old child. She also said that it is time for Islam to be "thrown back where it came from, behind the Mediterranean." Not yet finished, she also claimed that Muhammad wrote the Koran in "epileptic fits."

In an interview with the daily Osterreich published on Monday, Winter continued the onslaught saying that child abuse is "widespread" among Muslim men and that Graz is facing a "tsunami of Muslim immigration." In 20 or 30 years, she warned, half of Austria's population would be Muslim.

Her comments have resulted in a storm of protest in Austria, with politicians and commentators of all stripes taking Winter and her party to task. Austrian prosecutors are also looking into the possibility of filing charges against the 50-year-old politician for incitement.


Rather a nice-looking lady. Glad she felt able to tell the truth about Mohammed's "marriage". And in Austria, of all places -- known for imprisoning holocaust denier Irving.

The poster above is in Southern dialect. It translates: "No home to radical Islam. Dr Susanne Winter. She hits the nail on the head"

Posted by John Ray

1 comment:

  1. Aha. Daham=daheim. I was wondering what it meant.
