Thursday, January 10, 2008

Even Bill Clinton is not Allowed to Criticize a Black

We read:

"On Tuesday's The Situation Room, CNN's liberal political analyst Donna Brazile, formerly an advisor to both Bill Clinton and Al Gore, hinted that she was racially offended by some of the former President's recent attacks on Barack Obama.

Invoking Clinton's labeling of Obama as a "kid," and his accusation that some of Obama's claims are a "fairy tale," Brazile expressed that, "as an African-American," she found Clinton's comments "depressing." Brazile: "For him to go after Obama using 'fairy tale,' calling him a 'kid,' as he did last week, it's an insult. And I tell you, as an African-American, I find his words and his tone to be very depressing."


Yes: "kid" and "fairy tale" sure do sound like racist expressions. If anybody ever calls your child a "kid", shriek at him that he has just uttered the "N-word"!

Posted by John Ray

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