Thursday, January 10, 2008


Dubya, who earlier was said to be unwilling to meet with opposition leaders, has now agreed to do so, and Netanyahu, who'll be meeting with him, will discuss the issue of Iran with him. And also:
Bush initially did not intend to meet with Netanyahu, but US Ambassador to Israel Richard Jones called the latter personally early Wednesday and invited him to meet the US president. Netanyahu's associates said they did not apply pressure to receive a meeting but that a Jerusalem Post story Monday about Netanyahu blaming Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for blocking a meeting had an impact.

"There is no question in my mind that the publicity [the lack of a meeting] received played a role in having them change their mind," a Netanyahu associate said. "On their side, it was important to meet with him, because they know he is the heir apparent."

Senior Likud sources said it was important for Bush to hear Netanyahu's vision for Middle East peace.

Netanyahu said earlier in this week, "It would be right if the president would take the time to listen to someone who represents more than half the people in Israel, who oppose the Annapolis process."
It should be noted that the Hamas chose to welcome Bush's visit here with yet more rockets fired against Sderot. I hope that this'll be discussed between him and Netanyahu. Update: here's the report on their meeting.

Update 2: did we mention that the American school in Gaza was bombed as a form of welcome by the Hamas for Bush?

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