Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Cue the teleprompter: Waahhh! Waaah!!! Waaaaaahhh!!!

Major props to Gateway Pundit for tracking down New Hampshire's Marianne Pernold Young. You may recall that Ms. Young asked the critical question ("How do you do it? How do you keep up ... and who does your hair?") that triggered an emotional choke-up by Sen. Clinton.

Reminiscent of CNN's "undecided voters" during the Democratic debate, Marianne appears to be a cool, calculated plant.

Marianne Pernold-Young, who is married to E. Gordon Young and lives in Portsmouth, has hosted events for the Clintons!

The million dollar "how are you doing" question was actually posed by an acquaintance of Marianne Pernold-Young. She is a freelance photographer who in the past has hosted events for both Clintons.

But, after her question this week she said she does not know anyone from the Clinton campaign. And Marianne told the New York Daily News the right things about Hillary...

"No, I was not a plant," she told The Mouth afterward in a phone call... "I asked her as a girlfriend. All my friends keep asking, how does she do it? How does she do it? How does she look so put together?" Pernold Young says. "I had no idea she would react that way."

Uhm, yeah. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Of course, there could be another explanation...

Hat tips: End Zone, Free Republic and Larwyn.


These tears are right up there with William Hurt's tears in Broadcast News.

As Drudge would say: "Developing".

UPDATE: Victor Davis Hanson--The Crying Game, Part II

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