Saturday, December 08, 2007


If you GOOGLE image-search the words "jena six victim" all you get are images of black protesters. You have to add the word WHITE to get a jpeg of the only victim in the crime.

Remember the Duke Lacrosse team? They were falsely accused of rape by a black woman - a false accusation gleefully and gullibly picked up by every left-wing counter-culturist in the country.

Now there's this news item - and these three news items should remind us all that hate crimes are not the exclusive territory of gay-bashers and the KKK. White people are victims of idiotic hatred of groups too (but this goes under-reported by the left-wing dominated Old Media. FOX/AP:
A white woman beaten by a group of black students on a bus has prompted a hate-crime investigation, attempts by transit officials to reassure riders of the safety of the system, and radio talk-show chatter over comparisons with the Jena Six case.

The uproar prompted two leading black politicians to issue statements decrying the attack.

Sarah Kreager, 26, suffered broken facial bones and other injuries after she was punched, kicked and dragged off the bus Tuesday afternoon. Kreager's companion, Troy Ellis, was also attacked, but not beaten as severely.

Kreager has an unlisted phone number and attempts to reach her Friday were unsuccessful.

MTA police said evidence has not been found to support claims by the students' parents that the children were provoked.

"We are at this point investigating it as a hate crime," MTA spokeswoman Jawauna Greene said.
Racism cuts both ways. And favoritism toward one race usually leads to a backlash - that's why affirmative action for race groups and LOOK-the-other-way treatment for Hispanic illegal aliens - breeds contempt for the rule of law and breeds more racism. That's one reason why these practices should be ended.

Here's a video - I first saw at SONDRAK - by a pro-choice, atheistic, plain-talking hawk - think of him as a talk-radio version of Glenn and Hitch and Savage. I disagree with his position on abortion and religion but on race he's 1000% correct.


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