Thursday, December 20, 2007


The leftist anti-Israel group has been getting funds from bad European sources, and according to Channel 2 news in Israel, they've even been trying to cover it up. From Israel National News:
( The Peace Now movement is suspected of setting up a financial scam to mask the European sources of its funding for its reconnaissance work against Israeli Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria.

The Non Profit Associations Registrar suspects Peace Now of operating a front organization for improper collection of funds, according to a report on Channel 2 TV by reporter Amit Segal.

The radical left-wing Peace Now group allegedly used a non-profit organization (amuta) called Sha'al, which supposedly dealt with educational matters, to receive and disburse millions of shekels over a period of many years.

Some of the organization's donors were exposed in the course of the inquiry. They include the British government, which donated more that 500,000 shekels, Norway (800,000 shekels) and the European Union, which donated 451,000 shekels earmarked for Peace Now's ongoing "settlement hunting" activity: the documentation of construction activity by Jews in Judea and Samaria.
So, the government of Londonistan strikes again, I see, ditto Norway's. Read also this surprising article that reveals that Peace Now is not legally structured, which should mean that they can't file lawsuits, and see also this special site (in Hebrew) which monitors their illegal actions.

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