Sunday, December 02, 2007

Good news for America. Bad news for the Copperheads.

Gateway Pundit has the good news for America and the bad news for Copperhead Democrats.

* Violence in Iraq is down by 50%.

* Civilian casualties in Iraq are down by 60%.
* Baghdad casualties are down by 75%.
* Basra violence is down by 90%.

* Terrorist attacks in Iraq are down by 80%.
* IED attacks down by 55%.
* Average daily attacks down by 42%.

* Foreign insurgent flow into Iraq down by more than 50%
* Suicide bombings down 70% since March.
* Foreign Terrorist flow into Iraq down by 50%.
* Diala Province violence down by 68%.

Oh, and 5000 troops are coming home this month.

The Politico reports that even the most egregious of Democrats (hint: his name rhymes with Burtha) have admitted that the U.S. military has won the war and that Iraq is a non-issue for voters.

And Don Surber points out that the New York Times is scraping the last smidgen of residue at the bottom of the "quagmire" barrel. The Times has resorted to scooping all other media outlets on... Iraq's illicit car-washes.

Cross-posted at Doug Ross @ Journal


  1. If the Democrats have any smarts, they'll simply stay on message- which is, and always was, "Bring The Troops Home!"

    Now, if the Helmetheads (i.e., war-mongering Republicans) wish to redefine "victory" as returning to 2005 casualty levels, that's great. If they want to pretend we've established a democracy in Iraq, that's also fine.

    But you must realize who is going to benefit from the troops coming back home. My money is on the party that has been trying to bring them home.

  2. oy.

    david dsavid david david...


    we still have troops in germany and japan and south korea and the balkans.

    war is dirty business and a lot of places don't become as peaceful as your neck of th woods in florida overnight.

    the fact that iraqis are returning says more than you or any dem/dove/leftie appeaser.

    if you anjd the dems had had your way then al qaeda and iran would've won.


    maybe we can send 5000 troops to paris to save sarkozy from his inifada!

    tho david and his friends would recommend just ceding the banlieue's and a few arrondisements - the 19th and 20th for starters and the 8th.

    and so on.

    david: people who love liberty and western civ haver to draw the line somewhere: better there than here.

    NOW BYE!

  3. if



    a good



    dove appeasers

    liek murtha and

    david cyrus


    why have they stopped talking about it!?

    senator webb today on MTP said demanding withdrawal and cutting off funding is a LOSING proposition.

    get with it davey!

    join the winners:

    the usa

    the gop...

    i say" i'd LOVE for pelosi and the dems to keep trashing the troops and the war.

    bush's number are riusing.

    so are the numbers FOR the war.

    you are so so so SO put of it david:

    trapped in yesterday's leftist defeatism of vietnam.

    WAKE UP!

  4. Bush's numbers are rising?

    In stock market terms, that's called a "Dead Cat Bounce"

  5. iraq war is about 50% pos

    and bush is over 7%

    and your dems in congress at 9%

    so davey:

    who is the dead cat?

    u r an ass. nothing personal.

  6. Bush is over 7%? Time to bust out the fine champagne!

    Gimme a call when your Bush is back up to Nixonian numbers, pal.

  7. thanks for alerting me to the typo:

    bush is 37%

    dems in congrss at 9%

  8. u r still an ass.

    and it's still not personal.

  9. Bush Job Approval
    October 2006 - Current


    Dec 02


    Dec 01






