Sunday, December 02, 2007


Der Spiegel reports that Dutch authorities are perplexed by the rising number of violent assaults against gays in Amsterdam by young men of Moroccan background:
This month, Mayor Job Cohen commissioned the University of Amsterdam to conduct a study on the motives behind the hate crimes. Half of the crimes were committed by men of Moroccan origin and researchers believe they felt stigmatized by society and responded by attacking people they felt were lower on the social ladder. Another working theory is that the attackers may be struggling with their own sexual identity.
As Mark Steyn points out in the Corner, however, there is a more obvious motive:
Any researchers who haven't fully signed on to the "social stigmatization" argument might like to dust off the reports following the stabbing in 2002 of Paris' first openly gay mayor, Bertrand Delanoe, by a Muslim immigrant, Azedine Berkane. Le Monde reported the views of M Berkane's neighbors:

“He was a bit like us,” said one. “We’re all homophobic here, because it’s not natural.”

“It’s against Islam,” said another. “Muslim fags don’t exist.”
Which last comment was the same line taken by Mahmoud I'm-A-Nazi-Jihad at Columbia University in New York:

And the Iranian leader denied that homosexuality exists in his country when asked to explain the execution of homosexuals in Iran.

"In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country," he said, to laughter and boos from the audience. 'In Iran we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who's told you that we have this."

The left-wing Human Rights Watch group catalogues Iranian human rights abuses here.

But why is this post called "Europe's Suicide?" Because the obstinate refusal of European leaders even to admit the problems they face is a symptom of a suicidal malaise far more serious than anything Oswald Spengler imagined.

1 comment:

  1. postmodernism disarmed europe by convincing a majority of europeans that their culture was not worth defending.

    the muslims are merely taking advantage of this fact.

    IOW: the suicide began after WW1.

    that's when the european intelligentsia became anti-West.

    if they don't get their shit together, they will be vanquished by the 100th anniversary of the Armistice.
