Thursday, December 20, 2007


Reminiscent of Richard Preston's The Hot Zone, but with more of a cover-up. The complete item in the December 24, 2007 edition of Time:
Ebola's Stealthy Return

IT'S BACK A new strain of Ebola has killed at least 30 people in Uganda, including several health-care workers who failed to take proper safety precautions when some patients did not exhibit such classic, horrific symptoms as bleeding from the eyes and ears. More than 100 people are thought to be infected, with hundreds more being monitored.

DELAYED REACTION? The outbreak began in August but was not confirmed until Nov. 29. Officials in Uganda deny they waited to publicly identify the highly contagious virus until after Queen Elizabeth II and 53 other heads of state had met in the capital, Kampala, on Nov. 23 for a Commonwealth summit.

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