Sunday, December 09, 2007


Here's an article from Israel Insider in which we learn that Condi Rice, predictably acting like a racist, is against building Jerusalem:
Israeli plans to add more than 307 new homes in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Homa are not helpful, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice complained Friday.

"We're in a time when the goal is to build maximum confidence between the parties and this doesn't help to build confidence," Rice lectured, speaking to reporters after a meeting with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni during the NATO meeting in Brussels.

She did not discuss the great confidence engendered by the Palestinian Legislative Council's passage in a first reading of legislation to declare discussion of concessions in Jerusalem to be equivalent to high treason and justification for the death penalty. Nor did she speak about the confidence built by the PA harboring in "protective custody" a policeman involved in the murder of an Israeli citizen in a drive-by shooting two weeks ago.
I encourage people to contact the State Dept. to make your voices heard on this issue. It is time to start protesting much more seriously against their anti-Israel bias. And if you would like to contact the Israeli prime minister's office, I suggest writing to And for the foreign ministry, I would like to ask for a "let Israel build" internet campaign. It's something that's probably beyond my personal ability to build, so can I ask anyone out there to help in developing something?
Jewish settlers celebrate Hannuka with 8 new outposts
Meanwhile, Israeli settlements activists announced plans to settle eight more hilltops Sunday, one for each day of the Jewish festival of Hannuka. Taking advantage of the school holiday, various activist groups have come together to carry out the simultaneous erection of outposts on what are hoped to be future communities. According to a report in Israel National News, the plans are being coordinated between the Land of Israel Faithful, Youth for Eretz Yisrael, Women in Green and the local grassroots action committees.

"At a time when internal and external enemies are trying to choke us behind fences and walls, daring to tell us that we are not allowed to expand and build in our own land, the most necessary answer is to defy those anti-Semitic decrees by settling the hills of Judea and Samaria," a communique issued by the activists reads. "That is the best way we can show the world that the Jewish people will not agree to give up its land."
Don't let the government intimidate you, people. Go and build those new neighborhoods. But I also ask if anyone can lend them online assistance as well.

Update: more at One Jerusalem.

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