Sunday, December 02, 2007


This is interesting. If the details here are correct, what we see is a case of Arabs who are fleeing the Hamas in Gaza:
Israel let 199 Palestinians out of the blockaded Gaza Strip on Sunday, and an Israeli official said more would be allowed to leave for their countries of residence later this week.

Five busloads of Palestinians entered Israeli territory and then crossed into Egypt through the Kerem Shalom border crossing, said Shadi Yassin, a spokesman for the Civil Administration. About 50 others who were expected to pass today are now scheduled to be allowed to leave tomorrow, Yassin said. Security forces prevented two others from leaving Gaza.

"We intend to continue to get as many people as possible out of Gaza over the next few days," Yassin said. "This is the first time ever that people have been crossed through Kerem Shalom," a crossing where the borders of Gaza, Egypt and Israel meet.

The departure on Sunday at the Erez border crossing from Gaza into Israel was delayed by several dozen Palestinians who blocked the buses and demanded to be let out as well.

One of the protesters, Salman Fawaz, 55, said he worked as a construction worker in Saudi Arabia and had been home for a visit when Hamas seized control and the borders closed. His work visa in Saudi Arabia will expire at the end of this month if he can't make it back, he said, but he was not included on the list of those allowed to leave.

Fawaz blamed Gaza's Hamas leadership and its rival, the moderate government of President Mahmoud Abbas, which rules the West Bank.

"Both are responsible for our suffering," Fawaz said.

The protest ended when Palestinian border officials promised that all of the about 5,000 Gazans still waiting to leave would be allowed out within 10 days.

"We are pleased to learn that 250 people were (allowed to cross), but this is very minor number of people compared to the general population," said Noga Eitan, spokeswoman for the Gisha Legal Center for Freedom of Movement, an Israeli human rights group. "It's possible to have an effective, efficient mechanism that will get the human beings of Gaza and out of the enormous jail they are in."
I wonder who the 200th will be to go with the flow here? But here you have it, we see more than a few who want to get out of that collosal jail the Hamas and Fatah both put them in with their evil.


  1. avi - it's funny how none of the Israeli Arabs are going FROM ISrael to libe in Gaza or the West bank.

    Maybe we should make another Pali state conditional on their exit from Israel?

    unlike the berlin wall, the separation of israel from the territories is to keep life ion irsael safe.

    the israeli arabs know this as well as anybody.

    here's a new idea:

    annex gaza and the west bank and make arabs citizens of a protectorate with in israel - they vote for their own local leadership and get their own budget.

    like the states with the usa - except these arabs only have senators in a new bicameral legislature/knesset.

    and they have their own parliament for local rule.

    them the idf can go in and expel/kill all the radicals muslims from both gaza and the west bank.

  2. We must definitely annex Judea/Samaria.
