Sunday, November 18, 2007


Foreign Secretary David Miliband now wishes to extend the EU single market to cover north Africa and the Middle East.
What a plan. Tens of millions more Muslims could then move into Europe and Eurabia would be complete.

Bring on the Sharia. Chop the heads off all the gay people. Kill the apostates, and all those who would make fun of that friggin' Mohammed. Stone all the lying b*****s who cheat on their husbands.

That's what you invite in, when you invite tens of millions of Muslims to live in your countries.

You don't believe me, my multiculti friend? Well, the UK daily Telegraph says that 40% of Muslims would like Sharia law adopted in the UK.

And now, the UK's Foreign Minister wants to allow every Muslim in the Middle East and Africa to move in and have citizenship anywhere in Europe.

What do you think of that?

Read it and weep:
This is madness. One of the rules of the single market is complete freedom of movement of labour within it. So Mr Miliband’s plan would give millions of impoverished Asian and African Muslims the legal right to settle in Britain. Even the limpest of liberals would surely acknowledge that one thing the UK is not presently suffering from is an acute shortage of Muslim immigrants.

The Government’s latest proposed security measures are depressing developments which ministers justify by pointing to the growing threat of Islamist terrorism.

The Muslim communities already established in Britain have not integrated successfully. They are heavily dependent on benefits, hostile to freedom of expression, prone to political corruption and not accepting of equality for women. As well as fully-fledged terrorists, they contain many fundamentalists who wish to destroy our democracy by bringing Britain under a global Islamic caliphate.
You owe it to yourselk to go read the "Reader's Comments" as well.

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