Monday, November 19, 2007


The secret to happiness is freedom, and the secret to freedom is courage.--Thucydides
Braveheart is my favorite movie of all time and recently a new movie has crept into 2nd place, Amazing Grace. Braveheart is about a rebel named William Wallace who fought for freedom for Scotland. Amazing Grace is about William Wilberforce (who was also called a rebel) who fought for the abolition of slavery. They both were people who were passionate about fighting for freedom. I find both of these movies/stories inspirational. They both inspire me to fight for causes that I believe in.

As I look at the presidential field I have to admit that although I like Fred and his positions Rudy is the only one who inspires me. If it does come down to Rudy vs. Romney I'm pulling for Rudy.

1 comment:

  1. I like Rudy because I think he can beat the dems. Period. The dems can't be allowed to control the White House. they control too much
