Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Condi Rice continues to show why she's not a credible politician, by conning people assembled at UJC in Nashville. And the biggest mistake she made in her speech is that:
...she misrepresented public opinion polls, asserting that "almost all" Israelis support unilateral withdrawals from Judea and Samaria, and handovers of territory to the Palestinian Authority, when in fact the opposite is the case.

The most recent poll, conducted by Ma'agar Mohot and sponsored by the Israel Policy Center for Promoting Parliamentary Democracy and Jewish Values in Israeli Public Life, an overwhelming majoity of Israelis opposed major concession of territory to the PA. Some 65% of respondents said that due to the lessons of 2005's disengagement from the Gaza Strip, they opposed a large withdrawal in the West Bank, and 61% said they opposed removing IDF soldiers from most of the West Bank and giving control over the territory to the Palestinians.

The reasons for the opposition were clear. In the event of a withdrawal, 55% believe the territory would be used to fire rockets at Israelis and 65% believe there is a high or very high chance that Hamas would take control of the area. Some 77% said Abbas lacked the power to prevent attacks from the West Bank. [...]

But there was even worse news in the opinion polls for Israeli PM Ehud Olmert. A majority of 55% of Israelis believe that the Knesset should suspend or oust him due to several criminal investigations against him.
Yes, agreed. An outgoing prosecuting attorney said on TV that the police have seized some very incriminating evidence against Olmert, and if so, then he should be charged.

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