Saturday, November 17, 2007

Propaganda alert: the UN's Global Climate Astrologers become positively Hysterical

Steve Gilbert has some timely suggestions for the politicized quacks over at the UN's IPCC panel, which have more in common with a lynch mob or a kangaroo court than with anything resembling real science

What a laughable attempt to panic the great unwashed.

The IPCC seems to think that the louder they scream the more believable they are. Science doesn’t work like that. Or at least it’s not supposed to. But maybe these days it does, which is the real danger here.

Hey, if global warming is “irreversible,” why get so exercised about it? Oh, wait, it’s almost irreversible. Well, that is convenient, isn’t it?

Mind you, this self-same United Nations doesn’t think that Ahmadinejad developing nuclear weapons is a threat to the world.

Instead, they think that a (highly questionable) increase in world temperature of perhaps a degree or two over the next century will bring about the end of the world. Of course the folks at the UN really don’t think any such thing. Or even care to find out the truth about such matters.

Rather, they see the global warming scam as just the latest way to redistribute some of the wealth in the world in a more just and equitable fashion. And they plan to skim off their cut — just as they always do.

Meanwhile, maybe the UN will do its part to cut carbon emissions by turning off the electricity, the heating and cooling at the UN building. They should also prohibit their members and employees from having cars.

Better still, the UN should simply prohibit anyone from using airplanes or using any other such harmful transportation.

In fact, they should make all of their delegates and their bloated staffs stay home in their mud huts and sit in the dark and the cold.

And to those suggestions I would add this question: why are we still giving these charlatans and anti-American hysteria mongers at the UN billions of our hard-earned tax dollars every single year? It's a moral disgrace to spend so much of our money to support an organization which does far more harm to our world than it does good.

1 comment:

  1. we miss reagan, of course.

    but your wise recommendation that we dump the UN reminds me how much we miss JESSE HELMS.

    there is no one like him in the senate.

    inhofe is close - doing great things to knock down the eco-nutsies.

    and sessions and demint are great on other stuff.

    but we don;t have a great conservative foreign policy senator anymore.

    the lugar wing (which might as well be the hagel wing or the biden wing!) pretty much runs things in foreign policy.

    despite his GREAT hawkishness on WW4, mccain has been too much of a liberal on torture and gitmo etc to even approach the helms level.

    rudy and fred and`mitt strike me as folks who get it, and understand what WW4 and the UN are really all about.

    tho' certainly rudy and fred would be more likely to tell the UN where to go. especially rudy.

    i'd really like the USA to get the UN to MOVE out of NYC.

    the UN could SELL the complex for a BILLION to Trump and he could turn it into a condo/hotel/marina/

    the UN could then move to a third world nation which could use the income - like South Africa or Indonesia or Brasil or Argentina to Morocco.
