Sunday, November 11, 2007


A major investigative raid was conducted by Israeli police to gather vital evidence in their investigation of Ehud Olmert:
Over 100 investigators from the National Fraud Investigation Unit simultaneously searched more than 20 locations Sunday morning for evidence in connection with three ongoing probes into Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for alleged corruption.

Investigators searched private, public and government buildings, including the offices of the Israel Land Administration and the Industry, Trade, and Labor Ministry, Jerusalem City Hall and private law offices, among others.

"Police investigators are searching a number of government and private offices in connection with three ongoing investigations into Olmert," said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, adding that the searches would be conducted throughout the morning, but could last longer.

According to Army Radio, investigators are searching all locations simultaneously so as to gather the needed information while limiting the disturbance caused by the raids.

Prime Minister Olmert is being investigated concurrently on suspicions of irregularities in the purchase of his Jerusalem home, political favors given during his tenure as industry, trade, and labor minister and the Bank Leumi affair.

Olmert is suspected of helping a real estate developer acquire construction permits in exchange for a large discount in the purchase of his Jerusalem home.
Here's also the Jerusalem Post's article:
The raid was the first dramatic move by police since Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz decided to investigate the prime minister in the case of the house on Jerusalem's Cremieux Street and a number of suspicions pertaining to Olmert's tenure as Industry, Trade, and Labor minister. [...]

The Industry, Trade and Labor cases comprise the Investment Center affair, in which Olmert is suspected of giving favorable treatment to his close friend and former law partner, Uri Messer, and the case of the Small and Medium Business Authority, in which he is suspected of making political appointments.

As soon as the raid was completed, a number of suspects would be taken in to be questioned under warning, NFC reported.
I wonder who they'll be? I think this signals that there is a very serious scandal that's going to be uncovered here, and Olmert is going to be learning a very serious lesson as an outcome about why crime doesn't pay.

Here's also INN's report.

UPDATE (Reliapundit): Here's the BBC.

1 comment:

  1. hope the indict him before annapolis!

    he might give away golan and east jerusalem just to make it seem like he's a really nice guy.

    the ex-guv of illionois did a similar thing:

    before being indicted for fraud and bribery he commuted the death sentences of most of the states MURDERERS.

    the libs were happy.

    i believe he did it to gain favors.

    olmert is partly motivated by the same thing - and not Israeli security.
