Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Just the other day, a Palestinian Liberation Organization operative was arrested in the Phillipines. Reliapundit questioned why would a PLO operative be dispatched to the Phillipines? After all, there aren't many Jews in the Phillipines, right?

It's the Jihad, stupid.

Today, it appears the Jihadoterrorists have hit the Phillipine House of Reps with an attack. Has the Phillipines become the faultline for the Middle East conflict? It almost shocks me that no mention is made of Israel. Yeah, like I said, it almost shocks me. HERE:

MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- An explosion rocked an entrance to the Philippine House of Representatives late Tuesday, killing a driver and injuring at least seven people, including lawmakers, officials said.

Metropolitan Manila police chief Geary Barias said a lawmaker's driver was killed, while ABS-CBN TV network said a number of cars were damaged and at least three lawmakers were among those injured.

The blast happened shortly after the House ended its session shortly after 8 p.m. "I heard it and I felt the blast although I was on the other side of the building. The ceiling of the canopy near the south wing entrance came down," Rep. Teodoro Casino told The Associated Press.

Police have cordoned off the area in suburban Quezon City and were looking for clues.

"We are deeply disturbed and the speaker would like to condemn what happened. We'll make final determination what happened," said House spokesman Noel Albano. He said Speaker Jose de Venecia was on his way to the site of the blast.
My wife's family is from the Phillipines. They are from the Island of Mindanao. They left and came here to the United States because of Jihadoterror way back in the 70's. My father-in-law fought against the Jihadis as a part of the Phillipine Coast Guard way back in the 1950's.

Jihad has been around since Mohammed. And, wherever Muslims live, there there is Jihad. Jihadis fight because it is commanded of them by the Koran to strike terror into the hearts of the Infidels, and to subdue the Infidels, and to convert them by the sword.

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