Sunday, November 11, 2007


I'm sure this post will not be popular in the conservative blogosphere but this is my take on the Writers strike.

First, I think the Writers strike is valid and they should get their demands. The above video explains what they are upset about. While Hollywood is awash in money and actors may make obscene amounts writers often don't get near what they deserve. I am almost always against strikes since I am no fan of unions but this time I think they have a point.

Second, I am concerned about the strike. The thought of some of my favorite shows being disrupted is not fun. Save all the lectures on how I will have more time to read and pursue other worthier causes, they won't help ;-). I'm hoping they come to a speedy resolution and soon.

24 already appears to be taking a hit. This article says this season is being cancelled all together and this one says it is just being postponed.

TV Guide shows the status of some of the popular shows.

1 comment:

  1. Get your 'writer.' shirts, hats,
    buttons, mugs, and more at:

    Show your support for the writers!
