Friday, November 09, 2007


As I've alluded to in past posts I view State Representative Doug Ervin as a stellar conservative Congressman. Thats why I'm thrilled that I'm going to have the honor of having him on my internet radio show next Monday, November 12th.

We will be talking about HB818, the groundbreaking health insurance bill that he sponsored that was passed this past summer. It is free-market health care reform that Missouri is leading the way on. This is the ideal direction that we needed to be headed towards instead of some form of Hillarycare.

Here is what Beverly Gossage from the Show-Me Institute had to say about it:
"...the bill offers a common-sense approach to health care reform — not more government intervention and bureaucracy."

I'm sure I will ask other questions as well and it should be an enlightening hour for all. Make sure to tune in and feel free to call in with your comments and/or questions.

The details:
When--Monday November 12th

Time--9:00-10:00 am CST

Where--Togi Net site

Name--The name of my show is the same as my blog, Conservatism With Heart

Number to call in--1-877-864-4869

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