Thursday, November 08, 2007


Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs has more on the shady side of the Vlaams Belang and their worship or tolerance of nazism. Man, I am so NOT liking this political movement! Pure disgust. Charles also has links to a couple of past entries on the subject.

It's a shame that mainstream politicians in Belgium, Britain and Sweden are leaving the field and the problems with Islamic extremism open to all these potential neo-fascist movements to exploit. Thanks to the PC-madness that's even more prevalent there than in some other places, that's why those with more common sense might feel embarrassed and reluctant to take up the bold task of standing up to the Islamic threat Europe faces now, and offer alternatives who can stand strong in the face of the encroaching threat. It's to be hoped that, with Charles' help, a way can be found to solve the problems.


  1. u r right.

    but charles is making tooooo big a deal out of all this.

    we don;t want europe to become islamic do we!?

  2. mainstream politicians in Belgium, Britain and Sweden are leaving the field and the problems with Islamic extremism open to all these potential neo-fascist movements to exploit

    When the people feel abandoned by their political leaders, the pendulum swings.

    Disunity among those who recognize the threat of Islamism is dangerous too and gives advantage to the Islamist, as Reliapundit points out in his comment here.

    In fact, all day long I've been thinking about the BNP and Vlaams Belang. Thorny problem all around, IMO.
