Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Islamo-misogyny is Beginning to Get Attention

Exposing islamo-misogyny and proposing a non-military way of attacking it has been a campaign of mine.

I believe that the root cause of islamo-terrorism is islamo-misogyny: a people whose ideology teaches that woman must never be seen in public or have the freedom to dress as they please, and teaches its young men that it's okay (1) to beat their wiveS (PLURAL!), and (2) force their daughters to marry their cousins, and (3) kill their sisters for "dishonoring" their family, will of teach these same young men that it is okay to commit genocidal terror against infidels.


This is why I believe that in addition to killing jihadists and to promoting democracy in Muslim states, we need to put pressure on Muslim states to accept and enforce the UN's Declaration of Universal Human Rights, and to extend full and equal status to women, and pressure them to:

(a) ban forced marriage, and
(b) ban polygamy, and
(c) ban consanguineous marriage).

If they fail to address these anti-humane practices they should be be expelled from the UN and banned from participation in any-and-all multi-lateral financial, international aid, and international trade groups - like UNICEF, UNESCO, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO, etc.

I have previously posted several articles at this blog relating empirical evidence on the harmful nature of these pervasive practices. (Google it at this blog under "polygamy", "misogyny" and "endogamy".)

REPEAT: As long as their children are raised to accept terror within their own family, they will use certainly terror to settle all their differences with non-Muslims. And they will certainly condone genocide against infidels.

The pressure I suggest we use on this front would be non-military and diplomatic. And it would be applied universally so it would effect the entire ummah, every Muslim state, and every family. Therefore, liberals (even doves) have no reason - and therefore no excuse - not to support it fully.


BOTTOM-LINE: We should no more tolerate the radical misogyny permitted in these nations, than tolerate SLAVERY.
We need to begin to go on the offensive against islamo-misigyny.

It's nice to see a big blogger and a MSM newspaper cover it.

POWER LINE has the links. EXCERPT:
It seems to me that, as the Examiner puts it, "America should aggressively support and encourage such organizations and put the rights of women in Muslim countries front and center on the world stage at the United Nations."



1 comment:

  1. Hey as long as we're talking about misogyny, how about the objectification of women in the Western world, and in particular, human trafficking for prostitution. Around many US bases in places like Korea, Germany, Bosnia, and the Phillipines, are numerous brothels filled with trafficked women who are literally trapped in prostitution. In some cases they have been kidnapped, bought and sold like cattle.

    I think it's pretty accurate to say that if you have sex with a woman who is forced into prostitution, that is rape. Ergo, US soldiers around the world are raping thousands of women without losing any sleep over it. Luckily, thanks to the Iraq insurgency, some of these corn-fed good 'ol boys get their balls blown off by shrapnel from an IED. That is why every American death in Iraq is objectively a good thing- it saves a young woman somewhere in the world from one more rape and humiliation.

    Personally I abhore Islam's treatment of women as well- they certainly have their hands in women trafficking as well; particularly in countries that happen to be US allies, like Jordan, UAE, and Saudi Arabia.

    I can't wait for the day when the people of the world get fed up with you and send all of you religious nuts to your respective Gods.
