Thursday, November 15, 2007


Do you remember how we used to see Bill Clinton jogging all the time while he campaigned in 1991 and 1992?

Clinton was the young "New" Democrat running against two old guys: GHW Bush and Ross Perot.

The jogging emphasized that.

Well, how many of you would like to see HILLARY in a jogging suit bounding up and down the sidewalk?

Not many.

What if her bosom-buddy Huma Abedin joined her?

Maybe. Huma is a hottie.

And I wouldn't have to look at Hillary.

Well, even though I wouldn't like to see Hillary jog, I'd still like to see her medical records.

She's at an age where things start to go wrong.

We have a right to know if she's healthy and if she's on any medication.

Maybe Obama ought to start jogging on the campaign trail?


  1. A relative by marriage was a cop in the Denver area when Clinton came to town. He got jogging patrol. He said there were dozens of media types filming and snapping photos. However, he also said that Clinton started jogging just out of camera view around a corner, came around into camera range and then stopped at the end of the block. His jogging consisted of approx. 1 city block, but on the news you would never know it because of the camera placements.

  2. Hey Clinton has two Chinese donors with him !

  3. thanks p2p and don - GREAT COMMENTS!
