Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Chavez and Achmed-jihad have been publicly calling for OPEC to switch to the EURO as the preferred currency in the oil trade, and wishing for the collapse of the US dollar. What does this tell us of these fools? First - that they put their passionate hate for the USA ahead of the well being of MILLIONS of people around the world who would suffer if the dollar collapsed. Trust me - some Foreign Exchange Traders - like TSorois- would profit nicely from the volatility. Second - and not suprisingly - they have no respect, or understanding for the way freely traded currencies in an orderly free market function to adjust for global imbalances in trade and expectations. Third - I am afraid that this bolsters my belief that Iran already possesses a primitive nuclear device - which they probably purchased from the North Koreans or Russians...
Well the good news it that the King of Spain's famous remarks to Chavez have now been sold as ring tones to hundreds of thousands of mobil phones - especially in Venezuela.
I am just tired of waiting for someone to shut them up before it is too late!!!

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