Monday, November 05, 2007


From the Desk of David Horowitz

Dear Freedom Center Supporter,

The week of October 22-26 witnessed the largest, most successful campus demonstrations by students not associated with the anti-American left in the history of campus protests. 114 college and university campuses participated in "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week," which highlighted the threat from the Islamic jihad, and the oppression of Muslim women. It featured speakers such as former Senator Rick Santorum, Ann Coulter, Robert Spencer, Nonie Darwish, Wafa Sultan, Michael Medved, Dennis Prager and Daniel Pipes, and was organized by the David Horowitz Freedom Center with the help of Young America's Foundation and the Leadership Institute. Your previous generosity was critical in providing security for our speakers around the country.

At the beginning of the Week there were 6,000 website references to the protest. By its end there were more than 644,000. There was coverage - often multiple news reports and opinion columns - in all the student papers on campuses where events took place and many more besides. In short, hundreds of thousands of members of the academic community were exposed to the message of the protests and the arguments over the issues they raised.

If you were not able to attend one of our events, please follow this link to view a video of highlights from my speech at The George Washington University.

This is just the beginning. We are making this a permanent campaign and are already planning an even bigger event next Spring. So long as the Islamo Fascists persist in their war against everything we hold dear, then we will take the fight to our college campuses to speak the truth about the enemy we face. To help the Freedom Center fund this permanent campaign, I ask that you follow this link today and make a generous contribution.

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