Friday, November 16, 2007


John Bolton addresses the subject of the Annapolis conference and does it well:
A former Bush administration stalwart who has become a vocal critic told The Jerusalem Post this week that the planned meeting in Annapolis later this month to push for Israeli-Palestinian peace is "a mistake."

John Bolton, a leading neoconservative who served as the US ambassador to the UN before leaving the administration last winter, spoke to the Post following a lecture Tuesday night on his new book, which takes issue with aspects of American policy toward Iran, North Korea and Lebanon, among others.

"It's a mistake to push ahead with the Annapolis peace conference in November or December," he said, noting that the date hasn't been finalized.

"I just don't see this as the moment to make progress on Israeli-Palestinian matters. And I don't think that a failed conference will simply leave us at the status quo. I think it will set us back, so I think the effort is perhaps well-intentioned but misconceived."
TOTALLY misconceived at that. It's no more than just negotiations with a criminal terrorist outfit that will only continue with their ways and allow more terrorist attacks to come from Hamas as well.

According to this NFC item in Hebrew, the US is considering postponing the conference. It should be cancelled altogether.

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